My Husband Did Not Allow Me To Enjoy My Marriage, He Impregnated Me A Month After Paying My Bride Price – Lady Laments

Marriage is often painted as a fairytale, a journey of endless joy and companionship. For many, it is a significant milestone, a time to bask in the warmth of newlywed bliss and to grow together as partners. Unfortunately, my experience has been far from this ideal.

A month after my husband paid my bride price, I found out I was pregnant. This discovery, rather than being a moment of joy, marked the beginning of a tumultuous journey. I felt overwhelmed, not with excitement, but with the weight of responsibilities that I was not ready to shoulder. Read more here

The Rush Into Parenthood

When we got married, I was filled with hopes and dreams about our future together. I envisioned us spending time as newlyweds, traveling, understanding each other better, and building a strong foundation for our marriage. However, those dreams were shattered when I saw the positive pregnancy test. I had barely begun to enjoy being a wife when I was thrust into the role of a mother.

My husband, on the other hand, was overjoyed by the news. He saw our child as a blessing and a continuation of his lineage. I wish I could have shared his enthusiasm, but all I could think about was how unprepared I was. I needed time to adjust to my new life, to learn and grow in my role as a partner before adding the complexities of motherhood. Read more 

The Strain on Our Relationship

The sudden responsibility of impending parenthood put immense strain on our relationship. We had arguments about our future, our finances, and our roles in the family. Instead of enjoying our honeymoon phase, we were constantly stressed and overwhelmed. I often felt like I was alone in my fears and worries. My husband, though supportive in his own way, couldn't fully grasp the emotional and physical toll pregnancy took on me. Read more 

I missed the chance to bond with my husband as a newlywed. Instead of intimate dinners and spontaneous adventures, our conversations revolved around baby names, prenatal appointments, and future plans for our child. I felt robbed of the opportunity to fully experience and enjoy my marriage.

The Emotional Toll

The emotional toll of this unexpected turn of events was significant. I felt a deep sense of loss for the marriage I had envisioned. There were moments when I resented my husband for not considering my feelings and readiness before planning for a child. I struggled with feelings of inadequacy and fear about becoming a mother so soon. My dreams and personal goals seemed to take a backseat as I prepared for the arrival of our baby. Read more 

Finding a Way Forward

As the months passed, I realized that I had to find a way to come to terms with my situation. I sought support from friends and family, and I found solace in talking to other mothers who had faced similar challenges. Their stories of resilience and strength gave me hope and a new perspective.

I also had to communicate more openly with my husband. It wasn't easy, but expressing my fears and concerns helped bridge the gap between us. We started attending counseling sessions to understand each other's viewpoints better and to work on our relationship. Slowly, we began to rebuild the bond that had been strained by the unexpected pregnancy.

Embracing the Journey

Now, as I hold my child in my arms, I realize that while the journey was not what I had planned, it has brought its own unique joys. My marriage may not have started with the carefree days I had imagined, but it has taught me resilience, adaptability, and the importance of communication.

I still mourn the loss of the time we never got to enjoy as newlyweds, but I also cherish the strength and love that have emerged from our challenges. Our marriage is a work in progress, and while it hasn't been easy, we are committed to growing together as partners and as parents. Read more 


To anyone facing a similar situation, know that it's okay to feel overwhelmed and unprepared. It's okay to mourn the loss of what you envisioned and to seek support. Marriage and parenthood are challenging journeys, but with open communication, support, and resilience, it's possible to find joy and strength even in unexpected circumstances. 
