“Grace and peace to all the children of God. My name is Mary from Zambia. The problem that led me to write to God's Heart TV for prayers from Brother Chris was an academic problem as some of my second-year results were missing. I was examined in seven courses as a second-year medical student but when the results came out, only five courses where on my transcript. See more offers

When I tried to follow up the issue through school administration, they told me the only way out was for me to write the missing courses again. Children of God, I was so discouraged. I lost interest in studying and going to the hospital for my clinicals. view more offers

On July 3 2024, I received an email from God's Heart TV inviting me to join the Interactive Prayer Service on July 6. It was at this moment I knew that my case is settled! During the prayers, I was holding my transcript and while Brother Chris led us in prayer, my hands started shaking uncontrollably. On July 12, when I went to school, behold brethren, I was told that my missing results had been found and that I didn’t need to rewrite at all! My heart was filled with joy. See more offers

My advice to the children of God all over the world is that whatever challenge you are going through, Jesus is more than able to give you solution. Just as our Lord and Saviour said in Luke 18:27, what is humanly impossible is possible with God.”

Thank You, Jesus Christ! To freely receive prayer during an Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris through Zoom, please submit your prayer request on the God's Heart TV website - - and the team will be in touch with you soon via email at

You can share your own testimony via the form on our website - - or by sending a message or video on WhatsApp to our Testimony Line: +447517420524
