“May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all in Jesus’ name! My name is Janet and I’m from the United States. In April 2024, I requested to join the live Interactive Prayer for breakthrough and advancement in my career. I was working for a company that recently had a shift in management style, which led to no career advancement and I started to become undervalued by the new leadership. I was invited to join the Encouragement Service on April 20, 2024.  See extra offers

I was so happy to be part of the meeting and felt the presence of the Holy Spirit in the room during the time of prayer! I was so joyful after the prayers. The next day – praise God – jobs started to call me for interviews and the offers started to come my way! I was so excited, and knew that I needed to share my testimony of God’s goodness. See extra offers

 To the glory of God, I received a job offer that gave me better pay, hours, and benefits! Not only that, other opportunities are still considering me for even better pay and benefits for an entry level position! I’m just so thankful for Brother Chris and God’s Heart TV for your prayers and encouragement! People of God, I would like to encourage you with Matthew 6:33 – ‘But seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”  See extra offers

 Brother Chris has emphasised this in his messages, and I fully agree! When I stopped looking at my own efforts, and started genuinely growing close to God for my spiritual life to grow, not just to get material things, God started to move and add more because I started to shift my eyes off me and onto Him. Set your gaze on Jesus and study God’s Word to know Him better! God will start to answer those prayers when the heart is right.” See more offers

Thank You, Jesus Christ! To freely receive prayer during an Interactive Prayer Service with Brother Chris through Zoom, please submit your prayer request on the God's Heart TV website - - and the team will be in touch with you soon via email at

You can share your own testimony via the form on our website - - or by sending a message or video on WhatsApp to our Testimony Line: +447517420524
